JavaScript Behind the Scenes
JavaScript is a single-threaded, non-blocking, asynchronous programming language. Let's explore how it works under the hood.
Execution Context
When JavaScript code runs, it creates an execution context which has two phases:
Creation Phase
- Creates Global/Function Execution Context
- Sets up Memory Space (Variable Hoisting)
- Creates Scope Chain
- Sets
Execution Phase
- Executes code line by line
- Assigns values to variables
- Executes function calls
Call Stack
Event loop
JavaScript uses an event loop to handle asynchronous operations:
The event loop follows this order:
- Synchronous code first
- Microtasks (Promises) next
- Macrotasks (setTimeout, setInterval) last
Memory Management
JavaScript automatically manages memory through garbage collection:
Key concepts:
- Mark and Sweep Algorithm
- Reference Counting
- Memory Leaks Prevention
Scope and Closures
JavaScript uses lexical scoping and closures:
Prototypes and Inheritance
JavaScript uses prototypal inheritance:
Key Takeaways
- JavaScript is single-threaded but handles async operations via the event loop
- Every piece of code runs in an execution context
- Memory is managed automatically through garbage collection
- Scope determines variable accessibility
- Prototypes enable inheritance
Understanding these concepts helps write more efficient and maintainable JavaScript code.